Friday 28 December 2012

Nail Tutorials ♥

hello fellow readers 

in this blog post, i shall include 3 nail tutorials that i've came across online while surfing the net.

the tutorial above is called 'graduation nails'. basically, as you can see, the color graduated from light to dark. 

©etude house

this second nail tutorial is a cute one. it's a cute penguin nail tutorial.

this third nail tutorial is called the 'dotted nails'. you could use a needle to create dots on the nails as shown above; you'll need a pencil with an eraser at the back, then, poke the sharp part of the needle inside the pencil's eraser. and, voila, you've create your own nail dotting tool. ^^

have a wonderful day,


Friday 30 November 2012

Boring holidays


School's out! And, believe or not, it has been BORING.Yeah, I could not believe that I had just admitted that. However, there are many plus though. 

1) I can sleep and wake up at any time of the day. Once, I have stayed up until like 4 a.m. O;
2) I do need to study much as there aren't as much work to do when there is school.
3) I can read as much story book as I want. I've read many online storybooks.

and many many more! (:

This post is random, by the way. I am currently watching a movie whilst blogging this. The movie is really creepy in a scary manner. Initially, I wanted to post about other interesting stuffs like hauls, reviews, foods, e.t.c. Unfortunately, I could not find my flippin' thumbdrive! URGH! I have many things to cover eventually. ): Until I have found my thumbdrive, goodbye!


Monday 8 October 2012

Ice Age 4

Heyyy people,

Today, I had Honey Stars cereal for breakfast and inside the box there was a cute little packaging awaiting for me -it is the Ice Age 4 puzzle pack!

This is the cute little packaging and it has 'ICE AGE 4 Continental Drift' and the picture of the completed puzzle on it.

A brief of the mini puzzle pieces inside.

I managed to complete the puzzle within minutes. It was totally fun and I felt so stoked doing the puzzles that I crave for more puzzles to be solved!(apart from maths :P)

This is how the back side of the puzzle looks like.

So, that is all for this post. Have a nice day~ (:

Sunday 7 October 2012

CandyDoll Samples ♥

Heyhey there,

I will be posting about CandyDoll's base samples that I have received recently in this post.

Look at the sweet little note that they stapled at the back of the samples' plastic cover. ^^

This is the make-up base sample. 

The liquid foundation sample attached to a card.

This is the powder foundation sample.

The inside.

The back.

Their samples are so cute! I especially love the colours. I have used them all. The only thing I dislike about their base samples is that it has a lot of glittery sparkles inside that will make your face shiny. Apart from that, the product is great. I think my favourite of all the base samples would be the powder foundation. It matches my skin. All in all, I would rate those base samples a 3/5

Well, that's about it.

Byebyebye ~

Chipsmore collectibles

Heyyy peeps,

In today's post, I will be showcasing one of my old Chipsmore collectibles. 

This is the Chips more adventure book and inside it are all the collectible stickers that I collected a few years ago.

Excuse my random writings.

The back cover.

Well, that's about it.

Byebyebye ~

Friday 5 October 2012

Bobo Ready-to-eat Sausages review


Today's post will be about this cool new product that I had come across - Bobo's ready-to-eat sausages. 

This is how it looks like. I bought the black pepper flavoured sausages.

The sausages are little in size.

The instructions on how to open the packaging of the sausage.

I was really amused when I saw it simply because I have never seen anything like it before - a ready to eat sausage. I initially thought it was pretty weird and cool. I was with my sister when I saw this product and we were both not hesitant to purchase it. We thought it will be great to try something new too. 

I found it at Sheng Siong(a hypermarket) and it costs me at around $2.40 during that time. There are four sort of mini sausages in a packet. I am not sure whether the offer is still on so you have to check it out for yourself if you can. The sausage also comes in a solo packaging(a bigger sausage then the ones shown above) which will cost you around a dollar if I am not mistaken. By the way, all of their sausages were on sale probably as an introductory price hence it may be different now.

There are a few methods on how to open the packaging of the sausages but if you are a food monster like me, cutting it with scissors is the simplest and best way. I thought it tasted weird in my mouth. It tasted salty too. 

I personally dislike eating cooled foods so I tried re-heating the sausage in the oven and it pretty much taste the same but better. So, I recommend you re-heating it because then, you could really taste the flavour and juice oozing out in your mouth. Or, you can simply purchase any other frozen packed sausages which cost the same as the Bobo's ready-to-eat sausages or even cheaper! And cook it. 

To recapitulate, I think it is not that worthy. I would prefer cooking any other frozen-packed sausages which cost much around the same price and there are even more sausages in it too!(ten probably).
Also, I have preference of consuming sausages whilst it is hot. Hence, I do not think I will ever re-purchase it again. But, I think other people would be interested in it. You could buy it for a picnic or camp. ^^

Here is the advertising video of the product

Thanks to ADTC for the recommendation. xD

Well, that is the end of this post. 

Bye bye bye ~

Saturday 22 September 2012

Lip Ice Sheer Colour Sample Review ♥

Hello (:

In this post I will be giving a review on the Lip Ice Sheer Colour Sample that I recently had gotten.

This is how the letter looks like.

They bubble wrapped for safety, how nice! ^^

I wonder who the ambassador for Lip Ice is...

The Mentholatum logo is too cute xD

Here is how the back of the sample looks like. 
Luckily, the real packaging of the Lip Ice lipstick is not like this. 

Here is the front view.

Packaging: 5/5 
 Moisturising feeling: 4/5
♥ Smell: 4.5/5
♥ Overall rating: 4/5

I have the retail sized one but I rarely use it because I rarely go out. I love the sheer colour it gave me when applied to my lips. The colour can be intensified by applying layers. I simply love it! Mine is still unfinished and I think I might buy more when it finished. Apart from me, my sister is also a fan of Lip Ice. Her go to lip moisturiser would be Lip Ice's. Besides the rave on it, I have one con about it. What I do not like about it is that it can be quite sticky, probably because of the beeswax but other than that, it is great.

Want a sample of it?

There are 3 easy steps to get it:

1. You have to 'Like' their Facebook page:

2. Click on 'Free Sample':

3. Fill in the form and that is it!

You will receive the sample within 2 weeks.
& this sampling only applies to people living in Singapore only, unfortunately.

Sunday 12 August 2012

Tao Kae Noi ♥

Hi y'all!

I have been wanting to post about this -finally! *claps in excitement* ^.~ OK. I bet all Singapore's Tao Kae Noi fans would have known about this already but for the sake of the other people(other nice lovely people! xD) that reads my blog, I shall exhaust this further. This year, during the months of January - March, Tao Kae Noi has this special 'Scratch & Win' cards sealed in every participating flavour of theirs that could be found in many major department stores and hypermarkets such as NTUC Fairprice and Sheng Siong. 

This is how the participating snacks looks like.
(notice it has a sticker at the left-hand corner)

This is how the 'Scratch & Win' cards looks like

The flavour that I bought would be my favourite one which is Tom Yum Goong! I ♥ it very much to the extent that I kept buying this flavour instead of the many other flavour it has in stored.

This is how it looks like(if you do not know how it looks know) xD

I can't resist it! It's simply scrumptious - the taste, the crunch, the smell,  the taste, the crunch, the smell, the - ah you get it xD  

So anyway, I think I had bought a total of 2 packs(during that time) because I don't usually share when I bought this particular flavour so I must buy just a certain amount of it. x)

I managed to redeem only 2 of it as I had destroyed one(not on purpose!) unfortunately. My elder brother was fuming mad. >.<'' We went to Orchard Central to redeem our Tao Kae Noi goodies.

Here are the goodies 

In the box of goodies are 2 small seaweed sized packets - chilly + original flavoured ones and 1 tin coin bank. 

By the way, have you ever wondered - who is the genius behind this scrumptious seaweed snack? Well, to be frank, I never really take interest in knowing who is the creator behind foods inventor. Pshh, I know I am not the only one. :P

So, he is the founder of Tao Kae Noi, Mr. Itthipat Kulapongvanich, or Top, in short.


If you ♥ Tao Kae Noi, I urge you to like their Facebook page:

They have updates, competitions and more exciting stuffs lined up specially for Tao Kae Noi fans! ^^ 

Well, that's all for this post. 


Saturday 11 August 2012

Nin Jiom Herbal Candy Review

Hey hey readers, 

today's post will be a review entirely on some Nin Jiom herbal candies that I have tried before. I absolutely ♥ the original Nin Jiom Herbal Candy! Nothing can beat that flavour - yes, the rest is horrible(well, I have only tried one other flavour only - teehee).

My favourite one 

Ahh~ I love the original one as it is refreshing, sweet, nice-smelling and it is just a pure bliss. Not only is it a herbal candy that could relieve sore throat - it is also delicious! When my father first bought it, I thought to myself, 'NOOO, why must he kept buying all these herbal stuffs?!? Its not even nice! :P' Yep, he has a rep for purchasing yucky herbal/healthy foods! ~,~'  But this Nin Jiom candy is an exception! xD It's actually quite nice! I am so glad that I tried it and not reject the kind offer that my mum made. :D By the way, I bought the original Nin Jiom Herbal Candy at a nearby 'Seng Seng' shop(it is a Chinese Medicine Shop) and it only cost me $2.70! It is the cheapest so far. I have checked the other stores and they are retailing these babies at around $3 and above! - That's too much!

Moving on, I am going to review another flavour of the Nin Jiom Herbal Candy family. It is the Nin Jiom Herbal Candy Ume Plum! 

Here are 2 pictures that I had took of it 

As stated above, I had mentioned that the 'rest' is horrible and this is the one! >.<' Well, first off, I got the cute little packet of Nin Jiom Herbal Candy Ume Plum from my lil' bro. He recently watched a rehearsal of the NDP 2012 and received this as one of the snacks' goodies. He doesn't want it so I took it instead. I thought it was going to be as good as the original one or even better but I was wrong. So wrong. OK, frankly it wasn't that bad at all! Maybe it is not my cup of tea but many others would have loved it more. 

Okay, I shall end my Nin Jiom Herbal Candy Review now. Bye bye bye ~ (^w^)

Sunday 15 July 2012


Hey ~

Last month, I ordered some ear caps at GMarket, now known as Qoo10. I ordered it because I had always wanted to try it out! Yeah, it was a waste of money but quite worthy though because in brick-and-mortar shops, one ear cap would cost me more than $2 which to me is expensive. 

So, these are the ones that I had purchased 

 I was rather unlucky because my orders were sent to the wrong person. And what made it worse was that the person who got my parcel had actually opened my parcel - SMH.

 Nonetheless, I am glad that she return it to me and not totally steal it or anything. If you were wondering, I stated my address CORRECTLY yet this happens. Sing Post ought to do a better job. Furthermore, its the only Singapore based mail service! -.-' 

 Its made Korea so I bet it should be cheap anyway.

It is indeed very cute but I would not purchase any more of it though, especially at Qoo10 because of the bad experience. Blame it on the Sing Post. I really totally stopped purchasing items online and has been more than 1 month now. That is all for this post~



Hello there earthlings! ^^

This post is all about my latest craving of food! Currently, I am loving this new food (wafer biscuits) 

 Its the Bissin wafer biscuits!

 Made in Thailand.

It comes in a myriad of flavours! I could not recall all of the flavours they have hence I will just state the ones that I could remember:

  • Chocolate (My favourite!)
  • Strawberry
  • Blackcurrant
  • Coffee
  • Coconut

In every box of this Bissin wafers, there are three packs of it for your convenience. And, in each pack there are 9 biscuits inside hence in total, there are 27 wafer biscuits for you to munch on! You can find these wafer biscuits at Value$hop, One Family and other departmental stores. The price ranges differently depending on the shops. I bought mine for $0.80 at One Family. An aunty had actually recommended it to me, haha and I was not hesitant to purchase it afterwards. It would cost me $1.05 if I were to buy it at Value$hop! 


Sunday 10 June 2012

Angry Birds ! ♥

Hi Everyone!

This post will be entirely about Angry Birds! (:
I will be simply showing you viewers my family's collection of the current 7-Eleven Angry Birds TM Mug collection! (:

Here are some snap shots of it:

Cool huh? xD

All of them are brand new and unused, well actually, we did sort of use it for display though, haha.

Anyway, we still have more to collect. It is just that there are currently no more stocks of the Angry Birds TM Mugs!The notice in the 7-Eleven shop stated that there will be stocks on the 7th of July 2012 and I would have to wait for like, less than 3 weeks. Gah, how long. :S 

I have 3 more mugs to redeem. 

1st Card 

2nd Card

3rd Card

 I have actually arranged the placing of stickers for this particular card below. xD

If you are interested in any of my collection of the Angry Birds' items above, feel free to PM me. (: