Sunday 15 July 2012


Hello there earthlings! ^^

This post is all about my latest craving of food! Currently, I am loving this new food (wafer biscuits) 

 Its the Bissin wafer biscuits!

 Made in Thailand.

It comes in a myriad of flavours! I could not recall all of the flavours they have hence I will just state the ones that I could remember:

  • Chocolate (My favourite!)
  • Strawberry
  • Blackcurrant
  • Coffee
  • Coconut

In every box of this Bissin wafers, there are three packs of it for your convenience. And, in each pack there are 9 biscuits inside hence in total, there are 27 wafer biscuits for you to munch on! You can find these wafer biscuits at Value$hop, One Family and other departmental stores. The price ranges differently depending on the shops. I bought mine for $0.80 at One Family. An aunty had actually recommended it to me, haha and I was not hesitant to purchase it afterwards. It would cost me $1.05 if I were to buy it at Value$hop! 


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