Tuesday 5 July 2011

♥ 5 School Tips ♥

Hey ! :D

Today school restarts again after the weekend and Youth Holiday. Unfortunately, I did not manage to complete my homework -yes, again pshh but I did some though heh ^^ Hm, I always have the same problem occuring every morning that is ''How should I style my hair today?'' Gah, unless I am prepared, it happens. >< That is the reason why I have put up the following picture below (Yes, I also do have long hair)

Aha, I like the 4th one though, but I rarely tie like that these days. Credits to hellomissduh from Twitter for this photo ^^

Okays, now I shall write what I should have written minutes ago that is about the '5 School Tips'. I will do it in order

5 School Tips

#1 - Get enough sleep every night. A well-rested brain works better.
#2 - Take good notes, set realistic goals.
#3 - In class, L I S T E N and think about what your teacher is saying/teaching about.
#4 - Attempt every question on the test/quiz/exam/assignments even though you do not know how. Just try ! You will never learn unless you try ! ^w^
#5 - Eat a healthy breakfast every morning. It has been known to boost brain cells.


Signing off,

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