Monday 8 August 2011

♥CURE Natural Aqua Gel Free Samples♥

CURE Natural Aqua Gel
Get it here ↓

(You will see the following page above ^)

For the people living outside of Singapore, you could still redeem the samples. It is not free though but it is worth a try. The samples could last for a week or more depending on how you use it.


Saturday 23 July 2011



 ♥ Hi Earthlings ! (: ♥

This post will be about where to get your free samples mailed to your letterbox !
Hurry get them before their FREE CAMPAIGNs are over !
*Sorry but all this FREE SAMPLES are valid for Singapore Address ONLY !

♥Dejavu Lasting-Fine Sample♥
To redeem your FREE Dejavu Lasting-Fine Sample size sample please complete your sample redemption by clicking on the link below

*Note: 1 Sample request per address please. ONLY VALID FOR SINGAPORE ADRRESS.

♥FREE Sunplay Superblock SPF 130PA+++ travel size sample♥

To redeem your FREE Sunplay Superblock SPF130 PA+++ travel size sample please complete your sample redemption by clicking on the link below

*Note: 1 Sample request per address please.ONLY VALID FOR SINGAPORE ADRRESS.
 ♥SUNSILK Shampoo & Conditioner Sample Set♥
To redeem your FREE One set of 30ml Sunsilk Silky Smooth and Manageable shampoo and 30ml Sunsilk Silky Smooth and Manageable conditioner samples please complete your sample redemption by clicking on the link below

-This promotion starts 13 May 2011 and ends 31 December 2011, and is open to all Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents in Singapore, except for employees of Unilever Singapore Pte Ltd and her agencies.
 ♥FREE Hada Labo SHA Lotion Sample♥

To redeem your FREE Hada Labo SHA Lotion sample please complete your sample redemption by clicking on the link below ↓!/hadalabosg?sk=app_151292538267800

*Note: 1 Sample request per address please.ONLY VALID FOR SINGAPORE ADRRESS.
 ♥Aqua Whitening Cream and Nude Cover BB Cream♥
To redeem your FREE NEW AQUA WHITENING CREAM (with Oil Control) & NUDE COVER BB CREAM SPF30/PA++ samples, please complete your sample redemption by clicking on the link below

*Note: 1 Sample request per address please.ONLY VALID FOR SINGAPORE ADRRESS.
♥Free ChocoMarvel Sample♥
To redeem your FREE ChocoMarvel Sample, please complete your sample redemption by clicking on the link below!/ChocoMarvel?sk=app_213564948660624

*Note: 1 Sample request per address please.ONLY VALID FOR SINGAPORE ADRRESS.
♥Acnes Sample Kit♥
To redeem your FREE Acnes Sample Set (Acnes creamy wash sample & sealing jell sample) please complete your sample redemption by clicking on the link below

*Note: 1 Sample request per address please.ONLY VALID FOR SINGAPORE ADRRESS



Wednesday 13 July 2011

Reviews ? ♥

♥Hi hi people ! ^^

Today was practically the same as the other days which is Awesome f.y.i :P
I apologise for not posting lately, been busy concentrating on my studies !

Moving on, this blog was made also for me to review on products and I know I have not done a single one at all. Well, it is mainly because I do not have a camera or a handphone that has a great camera with a great quality. At least, I think some could be found in the net so there will be not much worries then.

I will try to post a review on a product as soon as I am ready then. Hope you'll be excited !

♥ Products that I will be reviewing on ♥

♥ Hada Labo Lotion 
♥ Dove Intense Repair Conditioner
♥ Bio-Essence BB Plantinum Cream (Purple one)
♥ SANA Make-up Remover
♥ Dejavu Eyeliner
♥ CURE Natural Aqua Gel Exfoliator
♥ K-Palette Blotter
♥ ChocoMarvel

*They are NOT in any order*


Tuesday 5 July 2011

♥ 5 School Tips ♥

Hey ! :D

Today school restarts again after the weekend and Youth Holiday. Unfortunately, I did not manage to complete my homework -yes, again pshh but I did some though heh ^^ Hm, I always have the same problem occuring every morning that is ''How should I style my hair today?'' Gah, unless I am prepared, it happens. >< That is the reason why I have put up the following picture below (Yes, I also do have long hair)

Aha, I like the 4th one though, but I rarely tie like that these days. Credits to hellomissduh from Twitter for this photo ^^

Okays, now I shall write what I should have written minutes ago that is about the '5 School Tips'. I will do it in order

5 School Tips

#1 - Get enough sleep every night. A well-rested brain works better.
#2 - Take good notes, set realistic goals.
#3 - In class, L I S T E N and think about what your teacher is saying/teaching about.
#4 - Attempt every question on the test/quiz/exam/assignments even though you do not know how. Just try ! You will never learn unless you try ! ^w^
#5 - Eat a healthy breakfast every morning. It has been known to boost brain cells.


Signing off,

Monday 4 July 2011

How it's going.

Hey! Ana here! :)

So far we have gotten a few orders and a few buys. I am really looking forward to new craftsnstuffs in our shop. :) i am also looking forward to have alot of viewers and buyers. So can you all gals/guys help spread the word! :) i really appreciate it if you do it! XD
We really need ideas from all of you about what would kids like eleven years old love to buy?!? So far we only have keychains,stationeries,notepad,game cards and i think more..well please do write down some ideas at the commenting place..:P

You guys rocks!
Peace out Ana!

Saturday 2 July 2011

Quick Tips! (For school)

Wazzup everybody!! Ana you can see i am still in school.So i got some quick tips about it.

1) Whenever the teacher ask a question and looked at you, you should put on a really hard thinking face so the teacher will see that you are thinking and would ask somebody else instead of you.

Errmm .. Well i only have one tip for you guys so see ya! Don't forget to comment and like!

Thursday 30 June 2011

Quick tips ♥

Good afternoon everyone :D ! 

Hope you guys/girls are having a great day under the chilling weather. Anyway, as I promised, today's post will be about quick tips and today's quick tips would be on some Beauty Tips. 

Tip No. 1 - Do not sleep sideways, sleep upwards facing the ceiling above because your skin would not have a great texture overtime. If you could not sleep facing upwards, you must constantly change your pillow sheets so that they will stay fresh and clean(approximately thrice a week). 

Tip No. 2 - Always keep your fringe/bangs clean. Why? Well, it is because when you sweat, your head will sweat too and the sweat oil could flow down to your hair and when it reached your fringe/bangs, it could be felt at your forehead and the dirt and oil from your sweats could clog up some of your forehead area causing pimples to be formed. Now, would you rather be embracing your pimple free forehead or having pimples hidden by your fringe/bangs but as the wind blows, you might never know what bad things could happen. 

Aha, well I'll continue later. Xo ! :)

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Hurray ! ♥

Hiya Earthlings ! :D

Today, we had a total of three orders and that is really cool to know people are interested in our stuffs, hurray ! (: Aha, thank you by the way(you know who you are) :D ! 


P.S- Next blog post will be about Quick tips ! I am so intrigued to do it, OH YEAH ! Aha :D ! 

Sunday 26 June 2011

About our BlogShop! ♥

What's Up! Ana here. I am the sister who is working with my older sister, i really hope lots of you are gonna visit and look through our blog. I am suppose to tell you guys/gals about our shop..well we sell cheap stuffs and most of them are in good condition while others are new. We are going to post new stuffs on our blogspot every day.(Well if we have time) So, we are open at 7 am - 7 pm. We will post some pictures (if we have time) on our blogspot or maybe even write what we are gonna sell. We are into beauty stuffs, girl stuffs and of course more.
Please comment below! ♥

Peace out, Ana!:) ♥

School is back !

Hello earthlings ! :D Gah. School's starts again tomorrow ! And just like most other teenagers, I have NOT completed my homework(well, some only--nah who am I kidding, there's quite alot actually) because of procrastination. I'm sooo gonna be dead ! But I won't 'cause I'm gonna start nowww ! So, Sayonara ! ~ Hope you guys are ready for school unlike me ^~^ Xo

Saturday 25 June 2011

♥ Introduction ♥

Hi ! :D

 This blog is made specially for me & my sister to advertise some stuffs & crafts we are selling and also to advertise some products that we will be getting to review on. There will be loads of other interesting stuffs too like Hair tutorials, D.I. Y's, Tips and more -so stay tune ! 
