Friday 30 November 2012

Boring holidays


School's out! And, believe or not, it has been BORING.Yeah, I could not believe that I had just admitted that. However, there are many plus though. 

1) I can sleep and wake up at any time of the day. Once, I have stayed up until like 4 a.m. O;
2) I do need to study much as there aren't as much work to do when there is school.
3) I can read as much story book as I want. I've read many online storybooks.

and many many more! (:

This post is random, by the way. I am currently watching a movie whilst blogging this. The movie is really creepy in a scary manner. Initially, I wanted to post about other interesting stuffs like hauls, reviews, foods, e.t.c. Unfortunately, I could not find my flippin' thumbdrive! URGH! I have many things to cover eventually. ): Until I have found my thumbdrive, goodbye!
