Thursday 30 June 2011

Quick tips ♥

Good afternoon everyone :D ! 

Hope you guys/girls are having a great day under the chilling weather. Anyway, as I promised, today's post will be about quick tips and today's quick tips would be on some Beauty Tips. 

Tip No. 1 - Do not sleep sideways, sleep upwards facing the ceiling above because your skin would not have a great texture overtime. If you could not sleep facing upwards, you must constantly change your pillow sheets so that they will stay fresh and clean(approximately thrice a week). 

Tip No. 2 - Always keep your fringe/bangs clean. Why? Well, it is because when you sweat, your head will sweat too and the sweat oil could flow down to your hair and when it reached your fringe/bangs, it could be felt at your forehead and the dirt and oil from your sweats could clog up some of your forehead area causing pimples to be formed. Now, would you rather be embracing your pimple free forehead or having pimples hidden by your fringe/bangs but as the wind blows, you might never know what bad things could happen. 

Aha, well I'll continue later. Xo ! :)

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Hurray ! ♥

Hiya Earthlings ! :D

Today, we had a total of three orders and that is really cool to know people are interested in our stuffs, hurray ! (: Aha, thank you by the way(you know who you are) :D ! 


P.S- Next blog post will be about Quick tips ! I am so intrigued to do it, OH YEAH ! Aha :D ! 

Sunday 26 June 2011

About our BlogShop! ♥

What's Up! Ana here. I am the sister who is working with my older sister, i really hope lots of you are gonna visit and look through our blog. I am suppose to tell you guys/gals about our shop..well we sell cheap stuffs and most of them are in good condition while others are new. We are going to post new stuffs on our blogspot every day.(Well if we have time) So, we are open at 7 am - 7 pm. We will post some pictures (if we have time) on our blogspot or maybe even write what we are gonna sell. We are into beauty stuffs, girl stuffs and of course more.
Please comment below! ♥

Peace out, Ana!:) ♥

School is back !

Hello earthlings ! :D Gah. School's starts again tomorrow ! And just like most other teenagers, I have NOT completed my homework(well, some only--nah who am I kidding, there's quite alot actually) because of procrastination. I'm sooo gonna be dead ! But I won't 'cause I'm gonna start nowww ! So, Sayonara ! ~ Hope you guys are ready for school unlike me ^~^ Xo

Saturday 25 June 2011

♥ Introduction ♥

Hi ! :D

 This blog is made specially for me & my sister to advertise some stuffs & crafts we are selling and also to advertise some products that we will be getting to review on. There will be loads of other interesting stuffs too like Hair tutorials, D.I. Y's, Tips and more -so stay tune ! 
